Just Another Woodcrafter is a custom woodcrafter that specializes in making one-of-a-kind wood items, such as pens, bowls, platters most everything that can be turned. I pride myself in working with you, to get exactly what you are looking for. The right wood, the right color, at the right price. Come join the custom woodworking family!

Three Years in a Row!
Quality Handcrafted Custom Goods made with Love

- A. Kljucevic Sydney, Australia
A personal thank you to Dale for all his assistance helping me select the wood and colours and for making an international purchase a breeze.

- James D., Georgia, USA
If you want to find a great wood working master with awesome customer service you have found where you are supposed to be... welcome to the custom woodworking family.
- Tyler K. Tennessee, USA
My intention was a gift for my wife and I wanted it to be unique, not something you could just go out and buy, something she'd be proud of and wanna show off. What I got was even more, it was a piece of art.
-James B., United Kingdom
This is an excellent addition to my collection and I am very well pleased with it. It is gorgeous Dale. I think you are some kind of Wizard! You certainly know how to turn wood.
- Janis L., California, USA
You are NOT just another woodcrafter but an artist with a passion for beauty. I feel privileged to have found you on Kickstarter.